Intercessory Prayer

Ministry Leader: Vacant

Mission Statement

To equip every member of our congregation to effectively pray on behalf of others, so that intercessory prayer leads to Godly living, love, and an effective witness of God’s Grace and Mercy.

Ministry highlights

  • Conduct weekly Intercessory Prayer Service
  • Teach, learn, and use Jesus’ teachings and examples of praying effectively.
  • Offer prayers on behalf of the saved and the unsaved.
  • Pray for submitted Prayer Requests and if agreed by submitter, follow up with them.

Service Times & Directions

Sunday Morning Worship Schedule

Sunday School: 9:30 am

New Members Class: 9:30 am

Sunday Worship: 10:45 am

Bible Study

Wednesday Bible Study 7:30 pm

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131 Mill Street
Woodstock, GA 30188
(770) 928-1334